I started to work on a couple of different Udemy Courses. A materials course, since as my previous work shows, I want to know more about materials and an environments course because I would like to be able to create environments in Blender that I could then use to create maps for TTRPG gaming on whatever virtual tabletop.

The environment course I started was: https://www.udemy.com/course/blender-environments/

Which is a pretty cool course over all. It started a bit slowly with a set of regular dice in different colours and some more use of sub-d for modelling.

It definitely feels like I am doing basic things over and over again in Blender, and while I do attack more complex stuff, the going is slow and it seems like it takes forever. Which I think is natural when trying to replicate someone else’s work. Especially since tutorials are step by step instructions that often need to be exact because a future step relies on the previous steps being exactly as presented. If I apply scale when I am not supposed to, or I don’t apply scale when I am supposed to, a future steps fails, or is more complicated to do since the results look different. Once I get a grasp of the workflows and tools and build some skill and start working on projects from my own ideas then I think it will feel smoother.